In Paris we will convene 125 top CMO and CIO pairs from leading European companies to advance the discussions started in New York in June about how a new computing era is transforming the enterprise’s relationships with key stakeholders. Below is a look at the program and the topics that will be explored.

Session I: Setting a Shared Agenda
The pace of change – driven largely by technology – is placing increased pressure on the complex systems that make up our companies today. These systems are more instrumented and interconnected than ever before and are generating data at exponential rates. This session will explore the leadership challenges ahead and how leading companies are tapping CMOs and CIOs to extract new intelligence to transform and chart out a new future for the enterprise.

Shared Agenda 1: Knowing and Serving the Individual Customer
Empowered by technology, individuals – consumers, employees, citizens or shareholders – are expecting and demanding a more personal experience from the organizations with which they do business. In turn, businesses are designing new predictive models to engage on a more personal level with individual clients – across millions of customers at massive scale. This session will explore the models used to extract deeper insights to transform the way that businesses connect to stakeholders and predict how to best serve them individually.

Shared Agenda 2: Creating Value at Every Touch
Businesses today are bringing new precision to how customers behave, discovering hidden patterns in their data – patterns that can help to understand purchasing behavior of key customers, identify new product potential, and even predict new markets. In this session, we will examine how leading enterprises are unlocking insights to define new opportunities and create new markets.

Shared Agenda 3: Being an Authentic Brand and Culture
Technology has enabled new levels of transparency between businesses and their stakeholders – creating new opportunities and challenges for both parties. Today, the same transparency that allows us to understand each customer as an individual, also allows each customer to understand companies. This session will feature leading CMO and CIO partners who are redefining new approaches to close the gaps between their brand and reality – and creating a social business that empowers employees to innovate on customers’ behalf.

Session II: The Future Business of Marketing
A new era of computing is unleashing broad change across all parts of the enterprise and presenting great opportunities for growth for today's CIOs and CMOs. This session demonstrate where we are on the technological spectrum and challenge CIOs and CMOs to consider how this new environment will impact their roles and their enterprises.

Discovery Arenas:
One of the highlights of our New York event was a half-day session where CMOs and CIOs came together with analysts, academics, venture capitalists, technologists and IBM experts in small, immersive discussions to exchange best practices and share insights on the innovative applications of analytics, social technologies, mobile and channel solutions, systems design, simulation models, and digital strategies.

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Der neue Vortrag von Deutschlands führendem Keynote Speaker für Digitalisierung.
"New Leadership: Ein starkes ICH in einem starken WIR."